
Senior Living Space Design Trends for 2023

June 28, 2023

Senior Living entry space

The PURE Workplace team is excited to share the latest trends in senior living design spaces for 2023. As experts in full-service commercial furniture and interior design for senior living, healthcare, workplace, and hospitality spaces, we're always on the lookout for innovative ideas that combine comfort, functionality, and style.

Let’s explore the exciting trends that are shaping senior living spaces this year.

What's Upcoming in Senior Living Space Design?

1. Personalization and Style

Gone are the days of sterile, institutionalized environments. Today's senior living spaces strive to create a highly-stylized and personalized atmosphere. We're witnessing a surge in demand for customizable furniture options that reflect a hotel or resort-like feel.

From upholstery choices that look like leather and fabrics that feature brighter patterns to natural-looking surfaces like wood and granite (created using specialized, durable materials that hold up over time), seniors are seeking a space that truly feels like an extension of their home or favorite vacation spot.

2. Comfort as a Top Priority

When it comes to designing spaces for seniors, comfort ranks high on the list. It always has, really. In 2023, we're seeing a significant emphasis on ergonomic furniture that supports posture, reduces physical strain, and promotes overall well-being.

Our range of senior-friendly seating options, such as plush but durable lounge chairs that are easy to stand up from and easy to operate adjustable chairs are designed to provide optimal comfort and ease of use for seniors.

Senior Living comfort

3. Technology Integration

Seniors are embracing technology now more than ever, and senior living design is following suit. The integration of technology into these spaces is on the rise, with features like smart lighting, voice-activated controls, and assistive devices becoming increasingly prevalent.

At PURE Workplace, we're dedicated to utilizing furniture that seamlessly accommodates technology, ensuring a more convenient and connected experience for seniors.

4. Multi-Purpose Spaces

Senior living communities are becoming more vibrant and socially engaging. To cater to these evolving needs, design trends in 2023 are focused on creating multi-purpose spaces that can adapt to various activities.

Senior Living multi-purpose space

From flexible dining areas that can transform into game rooms to communal lounges that double as fitness areas, the emphasis is on versatility and maximizing space utilization.

5. Biophilic Design

Nature has a calming effect on the human mind, and this principle is being integrated into senior living design in multiple ways. Biophilic design, which incorporates natural elements into interior spaces, is gaining traction.

• Think large windows that bring in ample natural light

• Indoor gardens within dining or library spaces

• Relaxing outdoor spaces

• Nature-inspired textures on walls and furniture

Our furniture offerings at PURE Workplace are designed to complement this trend, created with sustainable materials and featuring fabrics that promote a rejuvenating ambiance.

Senior Living biophelia, senior living dining

Last Thoughts 

At PURE, we're passionate about creating environments that promote well-being, comfort, and style for senior living residents. By incorporating these trends, senior living spaces can become the thriving communities that residents are drawn to.

Looking to revamp your senior living spaces? The team at PURE Workplace is happy to help with planning, execution and installation. Together, we can create an environment that redefines what senior living is for your residents with innovation and inclusivity.