
How do you create an office that showcases your brand?

December 18, 2023

A branded office space

An office embodies a company's identity and ethos.

In today's competitive business landscape, the design of an office space is a critical tool for reinforcing brand values and setting the tone for company culture.

Influenced by Herman Miller and Gensler's approach to brand-expressive office design, this article will explore creating an office environment that supports work and vividly showcases your brand's unique identity.

From the strategic use of brand colors and logos to the selection of furniture that aligns with brand aesthetics, we'll delve into the nuances of creating a workspace that resonates with your brand's narrative and ethos.


Understanding Your Brand Identity

At the heart of every successful brand lies a distinctive brand identity, a unique blend of visual aesthetics, core values, and a guiding mission.

Start by diving deep into your brand's DNA – what values drive your business? Is it innovation, sustainability, or perhaps community focus? These values should be the foundation of your office design.

Your brand's mission statement is another pivotal element. The compass guides your business decisions and should similarly guide your office design and furniture. For example, a mission centered on innovation should translate into a workspace that encourages creativity and collaboration through open-plan layouts or interactive brainstorming areas.

Practical implementation of your brand identity in your office space can start right from the reception area, which acts as visitors' first point of contact—aligning this space with your brand's aesthetic sets the right tone.

By thoughtfully translating your brand's identity into your office design, you physically embody your company's ethos and vision, offering a tangible experience of what your brand stands for.


Incorporating Brand Colors and Logo

Visual elements of your brand – colors, logos, and typography – are more than mere decoration; they are visual cues that reinforce your brand identity. Consistency in these visual elements across all platforms fortifies your brand's presence.
Consider how these elements can be tastefully integrated into your office. It could be through the color of the accent walls, the style of the furniture, or the art pieces displayed.
The visual impact of brand colors and logos in an office setting can significantly influence perception and branding.


Designing for Company Culture

Crafting an office environment that mirrors your company's cultural priorities starts by identifying the behaviors and values you wish to promote.

Designing open, flexible spaces that encourage interaction and collaboration can be instrumental for a company where teamwork is paramount.

Consider including communal working tables, breakout areas, 'idea hubs' with inspiring art, and informal meeting spaces with comfortable and adaptable furniture.

These areas should be versatile, encouraging spontaneous discussions and brainstorming sessions, which are the lifeblood of collaborative innovation.


Functional and Branded Furniture Selection

Selecting the right furniture for your office is a critical decision beyond aesthetics. It's about finding pieces that embody your brand's identity while also ensuring functionality and comfort for your employees.

The furniture in your workspace should reflect your company's ethos, stating who you are and what you value.

Ergonomics and functionality are key elements in office furniture selection, significantly impacting employee well-being and workflow efficiency.

Key considerations include:

Ergonomics are crucial to employee well-being, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and boosting overall productivity.

In addition, consider the functionality of storage solutions, meeting tables, and communal area furnishings. They should facilitate easy, efficient workflows, keeping the space organized and adaptable to various tasks.

Custom office furniture that incorporates your brand colors or logo can significantly impact the aesthetic appeal of your office. For instance, a creative agency might opt for bold, vibrant furniture that reflects its dynamic and innovative spirit. At the same time, a law firm might choose more classic, understated pieces that convey professionalism and stability.


Art and Decor that Tells Your Brand Story

Art and decor in an office do more than fill space; they narrate your brand's unique story, adding layers of depth and personality to your workspace.

When selecting art for your office, consider pieces that resonate with your brand's ethos. For instance, a tech startup might gravitate towards modern, abstract art that reflects innovation and forward-thinking. At the same time, a historical research firm might opt for classic pieces that underscore a sense of tradition and continuity.

The art should evoke the spirit of your brand and stimulate intellectual and emotional responses.

Decor, conversely, encompasses a broader range of elements, from wall colors and textures to smaller accents like vases, sculptures, or even book collections. These elements should be cohesive with your brand palette and style, creating a consistent visual narrative throughout the office.

In summary, creating an office that showcases your brand involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to design. Each element, from the color palette to furniture and decor, significantly reinforces your brand identity.

Embracing these ideas will enhance your office's aesthetic appeal and contribute to building a stronger, more cohesive brand image.

PURE workplace is proud to be an Authorized MillerKnoll Dealer based in Kansas City, Wichita, and Topeka. We've enjoyed helping our clients realize their dream spaces for over 25 years in the commercial real estate market. Whether you're looking to embrace these emerging trends or create a workspace that aligns with your unique organizational culture, we're here to bring your vision to life.

FAQ Section

How can I determine which aspects of my brand to highlight in my office design?

Consider your brand's core values, mission, and key visual elements. Focus on those aspects that genuinely represent your brand's identity and can be effectively translated into the physical space.

Can the office layout itself reflect our brand?

Absolutely. The layout should facilitate interactions and workflows that mirror your brand's approach to business and internal culture.

How do I balance my brand colors without overwhelming the space?

Use your brand colors as accents rather than primary colors, and balance them with neutral tones to create a professional yet branded environment.

Is it worth investing in custom furniture for brand representation?

Custom furniture can be a significant investment in brand representation, mainly if it uniquely reflects your brand's style and values.

What are some ways to incorporate our brand story into the office decor?

Use art pieces, wall graphics, and interactive installations that narrate your brand's history, achievements, and milestones.